Dear Me, Love Me: Self Care Sessions at The Ness Fest

A year ago I wouldn’t be writing this post. That is what makes it even more beautiful. It makes each word mean even more to me to be able to share it with you. To reflect and celebrate the difference a year can make. I’m grateful for it.

The Ness Fest is this weekend. It’s a two day festival here in Greenville that will be celebrating wellNESS, goodNESS, fitNESS and wholeNESS. All things that have been the foundation to my journey this past year. Especially wholeness. Wellness is wholeness to me. Wholeness has become so influential in my life.

When I heard about this special community driven event happening for the first time I knew I wanted to attend it, something I wouldn’t have been able to say a year ago. My health and wellness journey hadn’t quite started yet and while I had done a lot of personal work to leave NYC and get to Greenville to pursue a better quality of life I was still on the path to the start of this part of my story. Hilton Head Health was on the horizon and the change that followed it was something that seemed far away to me even though I hoped for it so deeply.

That is why today it means so much to me, eyes full of tears typing this to you, to not only mention that The Ness Fest is happening this weekend and that I’ll be attending it but that I’ll be there both days hosting Dear Me, Love Me: Self Care sessions.

YES. It’s happening.

I am so thankful that The Ness Fest is creating a comfortable space for me so that I can welcome others into it, for US to sit and pause, to reflect and write TOGETHER.

This past year has been an immersive lesson in self care for me that’s included writing daily and documenting each moment of this wonderful and wild journey not by focusing on things like the number scale or my new pant size but through my words and what I’m feeling in these experiences.  In between the bike rides and yoga classes they’ve had the long lasting impact on my health and have become so important to me with the new lessons and perspective I’m gaining along the way. I’ve found my voice. On the days I feel solid and on the days I’m uncertain. On the days I want to shout from the rooftops and on the days my voice shakes. Especially on those, I keep writing. And with every word I write even if no one else reads it, my voice keeps getting stronger. My truth compass guides me. Speaking my truth and writing has been such a beautiful gift that I’ve given to myself that I want to share that outlet of self care with you wherever you are, exactly as you are and however you’re feeling. 

In addition to journaling I began writing myself letters on my birthday each year and in moments of celebration as a way to reflect on the year that has passed and look forward to the year head. In the middle of it all. Between change and transition and movement. Life is always in motion and we’re moving so fast that I thought The Ness Fest would be a poignant moment for you to pause, reflect back and look ahead by creating these 20 minute self care sessions for you to sit down with me and write a letter to yourself.


If you could handwrite a letter to yourself right now, today, what would it say?


We send love notes, congratulations cards and words of encouragements to our friends and loved ones. We sign our notes to them with love and well wishes on birthdays and big occasions. Sending them nothing but the best and all the love, but what if we sent that to ourselves? Just because we need a reminder of all that we’re doing. That we need encouragement of all the things we want to do. That we need someone to tell us we’re OK,  that we’re working hard, that we are proud of them. That we are proud of us. Write to yourself like you would your dearest friend and pen pal. After you seal it we’ll hold onto your letter and mail it to you right when you need to receive it and probably when you don’t even realize it you need it. 

I would love it if you stopped by to see me this weekend and write to yourself about the weekend, about your life and about all the things on your mind and in your heart as you experience the festival and prepare to take all the moments home with you. Here is the link for more details and the full schedule. You’ll be able to schedule everything there including self care time with me.

Here’s to trying something new this weekend that maybe pushes you out of your comfort zone in a way you thought you couldn’t a year ago. I’ll be there doing the same right along beside you, grateful for the experience each and every moment along the way. This festival is for all of us- to bring wholeness and wellness to our lives and it can be scary. Remember a year ago I would have been scared to try. Feeling that it wasn’t for me. Looking for someone to reach out their hand saying, I see you, you belong here, let’s do this together. If you’re feeling this way too- send me a message on here so we can get you to experience the thing you don’t think you can do. You can.  You belong here. We all do. It’s worth it to try. Let’s do this together. 

The Ness Fest details HERE

Schedule self care time with me HERE 


Love, light & gratitude, 



Sarah Polite